Nick Minton and Pinto Bella in Sarasota, FL

By Pinto Bella Movement Arts (other events)

Saturday, February 7 2015 6:00 PM 9:00 PM EDT

Intuitive Flow with Pinto Bella  6pm - 6:50

Through the use of breathwork and yoga techniques, Pinto will take you on an exploration of our individual range of motion with our body and our hoop.  We will use some jumping and tossing sequences to train our breath and our non dominant side of the body to increase a natural, rhytmic hoop flow.  This skill helps us relax and incorporate advanced movements with silky ease.  Appropriate for all levels!

Rolling in Flow with Nick Minton  7pm - 7:50

Keep your breath moving as Nick takes you through a variety of body rolls and walk the dog transitions.  While intuitive flow uses the hoop as an extension of your own body, the rolling manipulation of the hoop treats it as your dance partner, your movements playing off of eachother to create one seemless picture.  A rolling hoop can seem to have a mind of it's own, so in adition to learning some fancy new tricks, we'll also consider what to do when the end of the roll isn't exactly where you expected it to be . . .

Colaborative Flow   8pm-9pm

What happens when we add another element, like another hooper, to your intuitive flow? Can more than one really play at this game?  Nick and Pinto will be teaching some partner flow moves, including tosses, rolls and jumps with various numbers of hoops.  We will close our day with partner and group games that will further explore the day's subjects and our group flowmotion!